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Social Activities

What's on at Unity Methodist Church!?

Social Activities: Text

Regular Activities

Saturday coffee - Saturdays 10:00am until 12, in the Wesley Centre. Join us for a brew, a bite to eat and conversation together. All welcome. We look forward to seeing you. On the 3rd Saturday of each month this includes the dementia friendly cafe run by Sandbach Crosses Rotary Club


Coffee morning at New Horizons, Wheelock - the last Monday of the month, September through to May.


Food and Friendship - at New Horizons on 2nd Wednesday of each month at 12noon. Meal and a chat, open to all. Please contact 07791 478313 to confirm we are open and to let us know you are coming.


Craft and Chat - Wednesdays from 2 until 4pm. Join us in the Henshall room at the Wesley Centre for craft activities (sewing, knitting, etc), light refreshments and plenty to talk about!


Indoor bowls - Tuesdays during the Winter months from 1:30 until 4pm in the Wesley Centre


Other events

Friday 21st February - Community lunch in the Wesley Centre


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