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Stained Glass


..... to Unity Methodist Church serving Wheelock, Sandbach Heath and Sandbach.


Traditional Worship....

.... every Sunday morning at 10:30am.

Check our worship page for dates, locations and worship leaders for all of our services.

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Contemporary worship

Our next lively band led worship will be in the Wesley Centre, on Sunday 13th April at 4pm.  We'd love to see you there.


Sandbach Food Bank and Sandbach Pantry

Unity Methodist Church is home to the Sandbach Food Bank, and the Sandbach Pantry



Welcome message from the Minister


Greetings from Unity Methodist Church! I’m glad that you’ve found our website and hope that you enjoy looking around.

As you will see, we are a busy church, seeking to worship God with our whole lives: on Sunday, in our worship  services, and on Monday to Saturday, as we serve people in our local community and in the wider world. As followers of Jesus Christ, we are called
to be good neighbours, to challenge injustice, to use the resources we have to carry out God’s mission in the world, and to grow in love, in response to the love and grace God gives to us.


We are called into a relationship with God, whose character was revealed to us in the person of Jesus Christ and continues to be revealed through the Holy Spirit. Since the days of the first
followers of Jesus, two thousand years ago, the Holy Spirit of God has enabled Christians to know God’s presence and help, even in times of great struggle and darkness. Today, too, we can know peace and hope, to help us to live our lives as we seek to follow Jesus’ example of service and compassion.

If you would like to know more about the Christian way of life, about the Methodist Church or are in need of help or support, then please do not hesitate to contact someone from Unity, either myself or one of our named contacts. If you have time to join us in person one day, too, you would be very welcome.

I pray that you and those whom you love may know the richness of God’s blessing and the peace that it brings.



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Unity Methodist Church Registered Charity no.  1173520          
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